The modern Irish dancing Feis(fesh) is today just the word for an Irish dancing competition. The name comes from the Irish word for 'festival', which would traditionally have included speech, drama, costume and music competitions, as well as dancing.
An Irish Step dancing competition is always enjoyable, whether you are competing or just simply spectating. At a feis you can always be sure to find girls running around with a headful of curlers, shouting and screaming at their mothers. Girls applying make-up to their faces and girls just stepping into their costumes at the back of the hall because there is nowhere else to get changed. Then just before you are due to go on you get that butterflies feeling in your stomach but when you go out on to the stage and point your right foot as hard as you can you recieve a buzz. Then the await for the results " In 1st place for the Trophy Reel number 123!". All you can hear is your supporters screaming and clapping, as you go and collect that big, shiny trophy!!! |
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Depending on your school tradition you may have to borrow or hire a class costume when you are a beginner at your first feis. Class costumes are also worn for figure and Ceili dancing. They are usually made in your school's colours and might even include the school motif. These do not have so much detail embroidered on them, like solo costumes. |