My background
I live in Luton, Bedfordshire and go to Lealands High School. I am in Year Ten studying for my GCSE exams which are in Summer 2003. The subjects that I am taking are English, Maths, Science, History, Drama & Theatre Arts, Textiles, Religious Studies, French and Physical Education.
My history of Irishdance
I began Irishdancing in 1993 when I went to watch a member of my family at her class and I ended up joining in! Since then I have: changed dancing schools/teachers, owned a numerous pairs of shoes, owned 3 beautiful costumes, had my hair curled more times then I can remember, competed at over 30 feiseanna, won 14 trophies and over 60 medals and had a break for a year from it all. I currently dance with Marion Turley and Elizabeth McNelis and have been for over 3 years now. I am currently working my way out of the Primary with only 2 dances left to compete in that grade! |